Section outline
Reading is the best way to come across new vocabulary. Watch this video and take notes on a great method!
- NOTE: this video is a larger file so it may take a minute to download
- A short tutorial (about 10 minutes) on HOW TO BUILD YOUR VOCABULARY QUICKLY
- An ENJOYABLE successful method!
- Take notes while you listen
- Develop your independent study skills
- Apply this method to all types of reading (fiction, newspaper articles, academic papers and textbooks, etc)
Take the quiz afterwards to see how much you understand!
62.6 MB -
PLEASE NOTE: To take this quiz, you must enrol yourself in this Vocabulary course section.
See the link IN THE FIRST BOX of this section.
This quiz will help you focus on the main points of the method in the video you just watched.
You can try the quiz as many times as you like.
If you have any further questions about this, please email Nikki Hayes (Independent & E-Learning Facilitator) -