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  • Do you know the English terms for the different grammar forms?

    We don't learn about grammar before we start speaking our first language but learning the common grammatical terminology can help you when you are learning a foreign language. There can sometimes be small differences in how different textbooks and online websites explain and use the grammatical terms but if you get a sense of the main grammar forms and terms, then building on your existing knowledge can be done more quickly.

    Click on any of the BLUE links below.

    • Good reference websites

      Using English - Each grammar definition contains an explanation and cross-references to other relevant grammar terms.

      University College London - There are also direct links to some exercises as well

      Daily Grammar - There are also direct links to lessons here as well for some of the terms

      Guide to Grammar and Writing - 427 pages on all aspects of grammar (and writing) - Capital Community College Foundation 
      Hartford, Connecticut

      BBC Learning English   - There are also direct links to some exercises as well

    • Really good grammar sites

      Also check in the different level boxes on the main Grammar page.

      Study Zone - University of Victoria Canada - choose your level and then go to the grammar section (there are also direct links to each level in the different level boxes here in Moodle Grammar)

      440 Grammar Exercises - DailyGrammar

      Video Lessons - Grammar - engVid - Short lessons and quizzes on grammar (look down the page for the list of lessons)

      Interactive Quizzes - 170+ interactive activities - Capitol Community College Connecticut, U.S.A.

      Grammar Quizzes - Frankfurt International School